21st Century Veterinarians

It’s almost time to celebrate summer in the near future. It’s the time to get together with loved ones for cookouts, trips, hosting swimming parties, taking excursions, and so on. It’s an excellent time for us; however, it could also be an excellent time for our pets if we take the proper precautions. When temperatures begin to increase, there is an increase in situations that can be dangerous for pets and the normal emergencies that occur throughout the summer. When it comes to your pet’s health, well-being and health, it is your duty as a pet’s owner to make sure that you’re taking the proper safety precautions every time.

What We Need to Know

During the summer seasons, an animal veterinary oncologist near me experiences an increase in patients that require urgent veterinary care, specifically for illnesses that could have been avoided. The following tips can aid you in keeping your pet safe this summer by keeping your pet safe from potential dangers. Here are some tips to avoid accidents and avoid dangers:


You and your pet are more likely to be bitten by ticks if you spend more time outside. Cats and dogs should be regularly checked for ticks, especially after walking in areas with forested vegetation. They can carry a wide range of illnesses, such as Lyme disease, as well as other illnesses that have minor symptoms and signs. Dogs that have received a bite may feel tired or have a fever. Ticks may cause health issues for your pet. However, it is possible to avoid ticks by offering your pet tick prevention.

Car Accidents

In the absence of children in school and busy household life, Your pet could be enticed by the opportunity to sprint out the door or the gate to get into traffic. Accidents involving cars can happen in a matter of seconds. It is vital to prevent your dog from running away through the gate or entryway to avoid fractured bones, internal bleeding, and other catastrophic circumstances. Prevent accidents by teaching your dog commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “wait.” Please don’t purchase a retractable lead since they’re more prone to snapping. Keep an eye out for your pet since they may be thrilled when they meet their owners. Do not hesitate to seek quick help for your pet if you happen to hurt it.

Dog fights

Pet owners are more often turning to dog-friendly local parks and other open-air spaces to manage their pets’ high levels of exuberance. The number of dogfights is higher this time of year due to the fact that dogs tend to be more exuberant and fight their owners. A hike in the woods instead of a dog park may be better for your dog if he is fearful towards other dogs, doesn’t react well to commands, or engages in rough games.

Dehydration and Heat Strokes

If the temperature is rising, make sure your pets are properly hydrated to prevent the effects of heatstroke and dehydration. Some signs of heatstroke are dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and exhaustion. It’s only going to take an average of six minutes for your pet or cat to be suffering from heatstroke. Heat-related symptoms include sweating, the red gums, drooling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating. Transfer your pet to a cool place if you suspect they have heatstroke. Remember to keep your pets out of hot cars.

Dietary Sins/Grilling Dangers/Lawn & Garden Poisons

Summer is hazardous for pets in between cookouts, barbecues, lawn chemicals, and insecticides. Protect your pet from eating harmful substances and touching pollutants. Corn cobs, lard hot dogs, onions, and garlic are all harmful to pets. Be careful not to cause burns to your pet when grilling. Avoid cooking with greases that contain meat. In summer, it is essential to want your grass and flowers to look great. However, you must be aware of your pets. Pesticides, poisonous plants, lawn fertilizers, and weed killers can cause illness in pets. Use pet-safe pesticides.


Lacerations increase in the summertime. Injuries from walking, yard objects, and broken glass can cause this. If you think your pet is wounded, seek out an emergency veterinarian Surgery for Cats & Dogs in Santa Cruz to identify and treat it.

Pools and Water

Some dogs are able to doggie paddle, but not all can. Many dogs aren’t swimming. Be aware if you own an area to swim in or bring your pet near open water. Scared pets shouldn’t be forced into the water. Because of chlorine and germs, swimming pools and lake water could pose a risk.

Snake Bites/Bee Stings

Your pet and you may meet snakes you are out and about. Snake bites can be very painful if you play in the tall grass or piles of trash. Certain snakes might even devour cats and small dogs. Consult an emergency veterinarian If a snake bites your pet. Your pet could be enthralled by bees and stung. Make an appointment with your vet in this critical care animal hospital for an urgent situation.