A Heart-Healthy Lifestyle for Your Pet

Because of their lack of language skills, our pets cannot alert us to any problems. So, it’s up to us to keep an extra eye out. Your pet may be experiencing inside pain, but this is often overlooked. Your pet’s heart health and well-being can be maintained with a few easy daily routines. Similar to us, animals can get heart problems. Inherited or age-related, heart diseases are inevitable but treatable if caught early.

How to keep your pet’s heart healthy?

Keeping your pet’s heart as fit as possible is important, but heart disease cannot be prevented.

Feed them with healthy food. 

Weight gain, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure are all risk factors for heart disease, so your pet must avoid the same foods that put you in danger because this can lead to a trip to an Thousand Oaks oncology vet.


The best way to supplement your pet’s diet with a premium brand of dry or canned food is to include high-quality protein and vegetables. In addition, vets advise feeding your fresh pet vegetables rather than store-bought treats. By feeding your pet a variety of colorful veggies, you can control how much of a specific antioxidant they take in.

High-quality protein and veggies should be added to your pet’s dry or canned food.

There are, however, some foods you should never eat. All onion family members, including onions, shallots, leeks, and garlic, should be avoided. Since they can be harmful to some animals, grapes and raisins are likewise off-limits. Except for overweight pets, fruit is usually safe to feed. Organic berries are still sometimes appropriate, though.


Feeding amounts are highly sensitive to the calorie density of the meal served. A low-calorie diet may be the best option if your pet is overweight. The portions you feed them should be carefully calculated using a measuring cup.


One of the major contributors to cardiovascular disease in humans and animals is inactivity. Accordingly, you can greatly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by engaging in moderate exercise daily. On the other hand, it is recommended that you see your doctor before commencing any new exercise program.


During a routine exam, your Thousand Oaks vet can identify any preexisting conditions that may worsen with physical activity and prescribe appropriate treatment. If your pet isn’t used to exercising, you should gradually raise his activity level. Start exercising for 10 minutes multiple times each week, then work your way up to exercising for 30 minutes per day.


Exercising can take the form of various activities, including walking, jogging, swimming, hiking, playing fetch, or practicing agility drills. A cat can get exercise by climbing a tree or by playing with a feather toy.


Always remember that the amount of exercise a pet needs varies greatly depending on factors such as age, breed, weight, and health. See your vet if you’re unsure how much exercise your pet needs.

Maintaining weight.

A variety of health problems, including heart disease, can manifest in overweight dogs and cats. The heart has to pump more additional blood when a person is overweight, just as it does when a person is overweight in humans. Losing weight, on the other hand, can help your heart and lungs work better.


Before your pet can lose weight, your doctor must address or rule out any underlying medical concerns. To get your pet to lose weight, you must ensure he’s burning more calories than he’s taking in.

Have them checked on a regular basis.

Visits to a pet cardiologist should be scheduled regularly. By having your pet screened once a year by your veterinarian, problems like cardiac murmurs can be caught early (or semiannually for elderly pets). This is crucial because, unlike humans, animals frequently hide their symptoms of illness until it has progressed to a critical stage.


The first step pet owners should take in encouraging heart health in their pets is to be informed and implement preventative measures. Following these guidelines and making other safety provisions may keep your pet’s heart healthy for years to come.