Preventing the Most Frequent Accidental Dog Injuries

The value of life cannot be overstated. We never stop seeking new approaches that will allow us to extend and improve the quality of our lives. Not only do pets improve the quality of our lives by providing us with company and affection that is not conditional, but they also play an important role in maintaining our health. 

Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe From Injuries

Accidents are a sad reality that accompanies living, yet they are unavoidable nonetheless. Even while there is no way to prevent the following injuries entirely – they are, after all, the result of accidents – there are things you can do to lessen the likelihood that your dog will suffer from them. Here is a top list of some of the most common serious unintentional injuries that our dogs sustain and treat at Montecito Pet Hospital and some preventative measures you may take.

Hit by a Car

It’s impossible to tell how many dogs are hit by cars each year, but it’s likely in the thousands. Surviving dogs may have damaged bones, internal bleeding, and soft tissue injury. Common injuries include the head and spine. With this, keep your dog away from street and driveway traffic to prevent automobile strikes. A gated yard or leash will do. Build these excellent behaviors, or reinforce them through frequent dog training sessions. A well-trained dog who reacts to “come” or “heel” is less likely to dash into the road and get hit.

Car Crash

Every family loves traveling with dogs by plane, vehicle, bike, and golf cart. Car accidents may injure pets. Even at modest speeds, the crash is very violent for the dog and any passengers. The dog becomes a missile, endangering itself and other passengers. Before driving with your dog, make sure they’re properly confined in a harness, carrier, or box. Never ride with your pet on your lap or shotgun seat since airbags can harm or kill them.

Fall From Heights

As dogs aren’t as agile as cats, falls are common. Falls can cause sprains, fractured bones, brain injuries, soft tissue injuries, and more. Small dogs might get hurt by jumping from the couch or bed. Install a baby gate if your dog can’t utilize the stairs due to age or injury. Make sure elevated decks and porches can’t slip over the railing. Small dogs can securely reach sofas and beds using a ramp or steps.

Cruciate Ligament Injury

CCL, like ACL in humans, stabilizes the dog’s knee. A torn CCL is a frequent dog injury that can cause discomfort and lameness. Rest and treatment may cure this ailment, but surgery is frequently the only long-term option. CCL injuries are frequent in bigger dogs like labradors, golden retrievers, german shepherd canines, and fat inactive dogs, so keep your dog’s weight healthy with nutrition and exercise. You can do a quick search for “veterinary surgeon near me” to see a list of vet clinics you can easily go to.

Veterinarian Visits

Injuries and incidents like those listed above demand a trip to the veterinarian, possibly even the emergency vet. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, your dog may be in agony because dogs are designed to hide their discomfort. When it comes to the health of your closest friends, it’s better to be safe than sorry. You may also consider a dog and cat internal medicine for other related problems.