What Are the Various Kinds of Internal Parasites That Can Affect Dogs?

While external parasites, such as fleas and ticks, are easy to notice, intestinal parasites are rarely observed because they dwell within your pet’s digestive tract and transmit minute eggs or spores in his or her stool. Tapeworms are an exception; they drop segments that resemble sesame seeds or rice grains and can be detected in a pet’s feces or around the ear. Roundworms are another exception, as they can occasionally be detected in the vomit or stool of your pet. However, intestinal parasites are difficult to detect, so you should not wait until you observe them before taking your dog to the veterinarian.

What are the different types of internal parasites? 

Here is more info for you to learn about common parasites that affect dogs and how to prevent and cure these harmful pests to safeguard your pet.


Heartworm is a roundworm that inhabits a pet’s heart. Heartworms are uncommon in the north, but animals migrating to the south or east are at risk. If left untreated for an extended period, the prognosis for heartworm disease is typically dismal.


Roundworm is the parasite most commonly found in dogs and cats. Except under extreme circumstances, they can typically be prevented and cured. Roundworms can become very large, resulting in weight loss, bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, and colic. Roundworms can and will inhabit human hosts when given the opportunity. Because roundworms can cause serious sickness in people, pets must be dewormed in places like GreeleyPetVet.com to limit owner risk.


Hookworms are parasites that thrive in the small intestines of cats and dogs. By sucking blood from the animal’s small intestine, they produce anemia. Hookworms can be lethal, especially in puppies and kittens, so deworming should be performed thoroughly. Hookworms are transmissible to humans of all ages and cause severe diseases.


Whipworms are exceedingly uncommon in cats but extremely prevalent in dogs. Because whipworms do not grow as large as other, more deadly worms, they rarely cause severe sickness. However, enormous populations can emerge if left untreated, creating major consequences. Humans are susceptible to different species of whipworm than canines and felines. The majority of cases with whipworms are easily treatable with deworming medicines.


Tapeworms are the most prevalent worms that induce scooting or dragging a dog or cat’s rear end across the ground. Tapeworms are typically curable with deworming medicines and are relatively prevalent. Due to the symbiotic nature of the life cycles of tapeworms and fleas, it is essential to perform both internal and exterior parasite prevention simultaneously. If your pet comes into contact with fleas, he or she may contract tapeworm.

How to treat internal parasites?

Your vet may prescribe a dewormer for roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. Numerous dewormers are administered orally and prescribed or sold over-the-counter by veterinarians or pet stores. Before actual worm killing, heartworm treatment includes a stabilization period with corticosteroids, preventatives, and antibiotics.


Injectable heartworm treatment is administered to dogs. Injections are administered three times over 30 to 60 days. At a veterinary clinic or hospital, heartworm-infected dogs must be regularly monitored. Dogs must rest after therapy.


In situations of severe heartworm infection, surgery may be advised. Due to the extensive and costly treatment for heartworms, dog owners should discuss heartworm prevention with their veterinarian together with routine veterinary dentistry practices .

The Conclusion

Consult your vet to diagnose, treat, and prevent common intestinal parasites. Remember that regular visits to the veterinarian are crucial for your dog’s health. Immediately communicate with your veterinarian and report any symptoms of sickness.