When you go to the dentist for your biannual cleaning, they direct you to the dental X-ray section, where pictures of your whole mouth are taken. You don’t hesitate because this is usually an essential element of assessing your dental health. On the other hand, Pets are not so lucky, and not every veterinary facility provides full-mouth dental X-rays.
Dental X-rays are photographs of your pet’s teeth and oral cavity taken under anesthesia with a tiny X-ray machine and a piece of film or a small digital sensor put inside the mouth. Many dental X-rays are digital, allowing the veterinarian to see the picture on a computer. Digital X-rays have a higher quality image and capture more detail than traditional film, and they take less time to process.
A precise picture is required for diagnosis, requiring your pet’s stillness and careful positioning. Pets must be put under general anesthesia for dental X-rays and cleaning to get satisfactory results.
Periodontal Diseases
Veterinarians may not detect all of your pet’s hidden periodontal diseases without using dental X-rays. Remember that up to 60% of each tooth is below the gum line, leaving plenty of room for illness, infection, or damage. They can discover the following periodontal disorders with full-mouth dental X-rays and a comprehensive oral exam while your pet is sedated.
Resorptive Lesions
Resorptive lesions are a frequent feline dental ailment that can also affect canines. Dental X-rays, a thorough oral exam, or a “chatter” test are routinely used to detect these painful enamel erosions.
Because their sensitive pulp is revealed, cats exhibit a fantastic chatter response. Although many resorptive lesions present as pink patches on the tooth, other lesions damage the tooth below the gum line, making diagnosing without X-rays challenging. Consult your vet for more information about Pet Dental Care.
Tooth Abscesses
A bacteria-laden tooth-root abscess may develop if your pet does not receive regular preventative treatment to maintain their teeth and gums healthy. As tartar builds up, the bacteria in it invade the oral cavity, sneaking beyond the gumline and attacking the tooth roots. A painful abscess can develop from an infection pocket, potentially affecting the surrounding jawbone, tooth roots, and gum tissue.
Treatment may be complex if the infection has spread to the jawbone, as skeletal diseases are more difficult to cure. A vet can examine the severity of the abscess and the surrounding infection using dental X-rays, which allows them to prescribe the necessary medications. Inquire for information on pet wellness plans.
Fractured Teeth
When it comes to masking discomfort, pets are masters at it, even when they have a broken tooth. You may assume that a fractured tooth would be evident, but your pet might shear off the cap of the tooth, leaving the roots behind and enabling gum tissue to grow over the damage without even whimpering. Your veterinarian may never uncover the damaged tooth and remaining roots, which might cause infection if we don’t use dental X-rays.
Oral Tumors
Unfortunately, oral tumors in cats and dogs are prevalent, and these masses can affect the gum tissue, teeth, and jawbone. Some oral cancers are fast-growing and challenging to treat, tearing through gum and bone, while others are slow-growing and less difficult to treat. If your pet has an oral mass, your veterinarian will propose a biopsy to determine the source and full-mouth dental X-rays to reveal any bone abnormalities and the entire amount of the tumor’s damage. Visit your veterinarian for a cat checkup.