Day: May 5, 2022

Pet Health

Tips on Pet Hygiene You Should Implement

Everyone understands pets are truly special. They bring happiness and pleasure to any household. However, having a pet or two can be difficult because it requires more than just feeding and giving them your attention. Their lifestyle is equally crucial, and as their owner, you must learn what is best for them, right? Nonetheless, ensuring […]

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Common Periodontal Pet Problems Discovered by Dental X-Rays

When you go to the dentist for your biannual cleaning, they direct you to the dental X-ray section, where pictures of your whole mouth are taken. You don’t hesitate because this is usually an essential element of assessing your dental health. On the other hand, Pets are not so lucky, and not every veterinary facility […]

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Favorable Outcomes of Pet Grooming

Dog grooming is not a luxury for dogs but rather a need. Grooming is not only about keeping your dog clean and appealing; it’s about a whole lot more than that. Grooming is also a way to keep your dog’s physical well-being.  Simple actions, such as giving your pet a thorough scrub using high-quality products […]

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