Cats and dogs are naturally curious, exploring every backyard, smelling everything they come across, licking the most exciting objects, and playing with other pets around the neighborhood. Because of their predisposition to be naturally curious that they do not realize, they expose themselves to potentially hazardous substances like parasites.
Heartworms, ticks, fleas, and a variety of intestinal parasites are all too familiar in pet animals, destroying your pet’s health and overall well-being. The parasites feed on other organisms and cause various health issues ranging from minor irritations to the skin to severe digestive upset. Certain parasites found in dogs and cats are considered zoonotic. This means they can be passed on to humans and cause health issues for pet owners and others in the family, making them more dangerous.
External parasites are a painful diagnosis that pet parents do not want to hear about; however, they can be prevented. There are various steps to avoid parasites, ranging from good hygiene to regular preventative medication.
External Parasites in Pets
Parasites afflict many pets from the outside like ticks, fleas, or mites that irritate their skin or ears at one point in their lives. These parasites can irritate pets, leading to significant skin conditions and possible disease transmission. Modern medicine treats these issues due to various external parasites; they are now easier to treat, manage and prevent.
If the weather is humid, fleas flourish. They can be a seasonally or a year-round problem, based on the environment you live in. Your pet can pick them up wherever there’s a problem with fleas, usually in areas frequented by cats and dogs.
Based on your pet’s needs and the extent of the infestation, your veterinarian will recommend an appropriate flea control strategy for your dog. Your veterinarian will recommend the best plan for managing fleas for your dog. Contact your veterinarian on how to choose puppy vaccinations.
Ticks can be located in forested areas, brush, bushes, and natural undergrowth. Any animal (or humans) who enters these areas could be the tick’s host. Ticks in their early stages consume tiny wild animals found in prairies, woods, and bushes. Adult ticks favor larger hosts, like cats and dogs, which are attracted to these areas.
Pets with ticks need to be treated with an appropriate tick preventative. Your veterinarian will advise you on the best product for your pet’s requirements. Pet owners who take their pets to areas with ticks for camping, sports, or hiking trips should inspect their pets for ticks as soon as they return home and get rid of them. Visit a veterinary clinic for more information.
Ear Mites
These are common in young cats and dogs and typically stick to the ear and around them. The individual mites can only be observed under a microscope since they are tiny. Contact with an afflicted pet’s bedding or the animal’s bedding could result in your pet catching the ear mites.
Ear mites can be treated using a combination of ear cleansing and medication. Your doctor may suggest an effective treatment plan.
Sarcoptic Mange Mites
Sarcoptic mange, also known as scabies, is caused by tiny sarcoptic mange mites. Sarcoptic mange can affect pets of all ages at any season. Sarcoptic mange is a virulent disease in dogs and is transferred through contact with animals infected bedding, bedding, or grooming tools.
Sarcoptic mange in dogs requires treatment to eliminate the mites and further treatment to soothe the skin and treat diseases. It is essential to cleanse and treat the environment of your dog. Consult a veterinarian for pet cancer care details.